Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hi all

Today a customer asked me for the Custom Functoid Wizard. Before today I had never heard of it. I searched lots of places, and found several bog entries with links to the 2004 source code, installer, 2006 source code, installer and what not – but none of the links checked out.

So finally the customer found it himself, and just for the benefit of the rest of the world, I have placed the installer for the BizTalk 2009 version of the Custom Functoid Wizard at


Wednesday, October 20, 2010 11:41:47 PM (Romance Daylight Time, UTC+02:00)  #    Comments [5]  | 
Friday, August 6, 2010

Hi all

Today I exported an MSI file from my development machine and wanted to import the MSI file on our test environment.

I got this error, though:


Change requests failed for some resources. (mscorlib)

Unable to process create change request for BizTalk binding "BindingInfo.xml". Import bindings (overwrite) failed. (Microsoft.BizTalk.ResourceManagers)

Failed to update binding information. (mscorlib)

Cannot update receive port "WcfReceivePort_FvmIndberetningCommon_CVR/FvmIndberetningCommon_CVR". (Microsoft.BizTalk.Deployment)

Cannot update receive location "WcfService_FvmIndberetningCommon_CVR/FvmIndberetningCommon_CVR". (Microsoft.BizTalk.Deployment)

The following items could not be matched up to hosts due to name and/or trust level mismatches:
Item: 'WcfService_FvmIndberetningCommon_CVR/FvmIndberetningCommon_CVR' Host: 'FVM_Indberetningsplatform_IsolatedHost' Trust level: 'Untrusted'
You must do one of the following:
1) Create hosts with these names and trust levels and try again
2) Re-export the MSI without the binding files and have a post import script apply a suitable binding file. (Microsoft.BizTalk.Deployment)

Now, the error message is pretty easy to understand. What had me baffled was, that the host exists and it IS untrusted. So there is no mismatch and the two ideas as to what to fix don’t seem to apply to my situation.

It turned out that the issue was that after creating the needed host and host instances, I had forgotten to add the necessary Receive Hander on the appropriate adapter for the receive location. But the error message doesn’t say anything about that – it just says that I need to create the host with the right trust level.

So, this post is just to let you know that there is another reason for the error message than what the error message states.


Friday, August 6, 2010 9:46:42 PM (Romance Daylight Time, UTC+02:00)  #    Comments [2]  | 
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hi all

As many of you know, I am writing this book on BizTalk along side some great names of the community.

Anyway, I was just writing about the Scope shape for orchestrations and decided to go through the documentation of this to see if I missed something. And indeed there was a small detail I missed, which you can find at – it states that “You can nest scopes up to 44 levels deep.”

I thought that was a funny number and decided to test it.

So I started adding Scope shapes and at 19 nested Scope shapes I had this:


which looks just fine. BUT, after adding an expression shape to the content of the 19’th Scope shape and adding the 20’th Scope shape I get this:


which is not fine.

So basically, the orchestration designer will not show you the Scopes at level 20 or deeper. You can still add them, though – and it compiles just fine even at 47 levels of Scope shapes, actually – haven’t bothered trying more levels than that.

Now, some of you (all of you?) may sit and wonder: Come on, how probable is it that anyone will do that? An I completely agree – if you get above 10 levels of nested Scope shapes you are most definitely going in the wrong direction :) I just wanted to see if the documentation was correct on this.

I hope this will help someone, but it probably won’t :)


Saturday, April 24, 2010 11:48:05 AM (Romance Daylight Time, UTC+02:00)  #    Comments [4]  | 

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