Hi all
So, a colleague of mine is integrating with AS/400 and this system seems to be sending all strings as all-uppercase. So a company name might look like this: "JANS SUPERCOMPANY A/S". This really isn't what he wants output in the end, so I have built a functoid and added it to my downloadable collection, which converts the "JANS SUPERCOMPANY A/S" into "Jans Supercompany A/S". It has an optional set of strings that are not to be messed with 
Examples of output from the functoid. The second parameter is optional.
First input | Second input | Output |
jan eliasen | | Jan Eliasen |
jan eliasen A/S | JAn | JAn Eliasen A/s |
JAN ELIASEN A/S | Jan,A/S | Jan Eliasen A/S |
This is a test string for the functoid | tHIS,A,fOr,silly | tHIS Is A Test String fOr the functoid |
As always, you can download the functoid at http://www.eliasen.eu/DownloadSoftware.aspx - where you can also download the documentation.