Should you ever run into this warning in the eventlog, when using the SQL Adapter for BizTalk:

your problem is that the SQL Adapter is receiving a result set instead of XML.
There are two possibilities:
- As we all know, when using the SQL Adapter to call a stored procedure, you must write "for xml auto, xmldata" (or some variant - I like the "elements" way of things) in your Stored Procedure in order to let the schema generator generate a schema for you. After the schema has been generated, you need to remove the ", xmldata" or else schema data will be returned every time the SP is called instead of real data. Anyway, sometimes people remove too much from the SP, ie. they remove the entire "for xml auto, xmldata" instead of just ", xmldata".
- Sometimes, someone forgets to write "for xml auto" after a select statement in the receive location.
Both will cause the above mentioned error.
Hope this has helped someone.