Thursday, 27 November 2008

Hi all

A new functoid has been added to the collection of functoids that an be downloaded at

The functoid simply takes one parameter, which is used as a key against BizTalks app.config (The BTSNTSvc.exe.config file in BizTalks installation folder) to read an application setting from the appSettings group.

So given a .config file like this:

<add key="eliasen" value="eliasenValue" />

and the parameter "eliasen" to the functoid, it will return "eliasenValue". If the key cannot be found, an empty string is returned.

And the documentation has also been updated - look at


Thursday, 27 November 2008 21:20:03 (Romance Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments [0]  | 

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