Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hi all

I just had the funniest (NOT) experience (AGAIN) with the new BizTalk 2009 project system.

Somehow I had gotten into a situation, where I could add all the usual artifacts to a BizTalk project except schemas. I could add orchestrations, send pipelines, receive pipelines, maps, flat file schemas, property schemas, and flat file wizard schemas. So the only thing I couldn’t add was “normal” schemas.

I thought: Who cares? I can just add either a property schema or a flat file schema instead and then change the necessary properties on it to make it a normal schema, and that worked for me for some time.

Then, I was contacted by Microsoft to test out a new QFE package that they have created to fix an issue I have reported. The QFE package wouldn’t install, so i thought it might have something to do with my project system being broken, so I chose to repair my BizTalk installation.

The result was, that now I can add “normal” schemas, but I can’t add orchestrations and property schemas. Also, naturally, the QFE package still doesn’t install :-( So I ended up unconfiguring, uninstalling, reinstalling and reconfiguring. Everything seems normal now. But for how long?

I really hope they have improved the project system for BizTalk 2010.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010 10:11:27 PM (Romance Daylight Time, UTC+02:00)  #    Comments [0]  | 

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