Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hi all

Just a quick book review, since I have just read the “Who moved my Cheese” book.

It only takes like an hour to read, and it is the story of two mice and two people who are searching for cheese, where the cheese is a metaphor for something you really want to have. At some point, they run out of cheese, and the four characters take very different approaches to the changes in the environment. The point of the story is, naturally, that you can most likely identify yourself as one of the characters and after reading the book, perhaps you have learnt something about how you react to changes and how you should react – and hopefully improve your life.

Easily read with lots of points. Read it…


Saturday, June 6, 2009 6:49:05 PM (Romance Daylight Time, UTC+02:00)  #    Comments [0]  | 
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