Sunday, October 7, 2007


Well, some people have their BizTalk vNext wishlist on their blog. I'd like to add a couple of requests to the growing list :-)

  1. For development purposes, it would be really nice to be able to rightclick a receive location that is disabled and choose "Execute". If for instance I have a SQL adapter receive location that is supposed to poll every minute, then I don't want to have to quickly disable the receive location once it has been fired. I want to keep it disabled, so data wont go through my system when I am not ready, and then just execute it whenever I am ready.
  2. Deployment of single assembly from VS.NET. If I have three projects in my solution: Schemas, Maps and Orchestrations, and both Maps and Orchestrations reference Schemas, then I can not deploy them all at the same time from VS.NET :-( Deploying Orchestrations will make VS.nET deploy Schemas as well - even if there are no changes to it. To deploy Schemas, the current Schemas assemblymust be undeplyed, and therefore, the Maps assembly must also be undeployed. So VS.NET will Undeploy Orchestrations, Undeploy Maps, Undeploy Schemas, Deploy Schemas, Deploy Orchestrations. This isn't acceptable, because Maps isn't deployed anymore. If I then deploy Maps, the same thing happens, only the Orchestrations gets undeployed and it isn't redeployed. To me, VS.NET should ONLY interfere like that if I deploy the entire solution. If I deploy just project, then just let me do so! Right now, I would have to let Orchestrations reference Maps even if it isn't necessary and then always deploy Orchestrations.
  3. Restart Host Instances only once. Right now, if I deploye my solution from VS.NET, and this solution has 10 proejcts that are all set to "Restart Host Instances" on deployment, then the host instances will get restarted 10 times. Would be nice if VS.NET could figure this out and only do it once.
  4. Specify the node that is body, when using enveloping and not just the parent. It makes great sense, that I can specify a node and all child elements are then submitted as seperate messages from the receive pipeline. This is how we can receive orders, invoices, etc. in the same XML. BUT, if I receive XML where I only need the Orders, then I would like to point at the Orders element so that is all I get. Right now I have to use standard enveloping, and implement logic to just delete the invoices, etc. Not really nice, I think.

That's it for now :-)


Sunday, October 7, 2007 12:40:36 AM (Romance Daylight Time, UTC+02:00)  #    Comments [0]  | 


A guy on the newsgroups recently needed to create exactly 5 elements in the output of his map, no matter how many records appeared in the input.

Well, I am always looking for new things to try out, and frankly, my XSLT coding skills could be better, so I thought I'd give it a shot.

I created a project with the following input schema:

The schema is for an XML document, and has a header (1..1), a LoopingRecord (1..1) and a footer (1..1). The LoopingRecord has a Field5 element, that can appear at most 5 times.

The output schema looks like this:

This schema is for a flat file. It baiscally has the same signature as the input schema - exception being that the Field1 element has minOccurs=5. It MUST be present 5 times - this is a schema for a positional file.

The map is pretty simple:

Header and footer are mapped using regular mapping techniques. But the Detail-element is created using a custom scripting functoid.

The string concatenate functoid only has one input, the string "5". This is because I want to create exactly 5 elements in the ouput.

The custom scripting functoid is an "Inline XSLT Call TEmplate" scripting functoid with the following code:

<xsl:template name="CreateXElements">
   <xsl:param name="totalCount" />
         <xsl:for-each select="/*[local-name()='InputRoot']/*[local-name()='LoopingRecord']/*[local-name()='Field5']">
               <Field1><xsl:value-of select="text()" /></Field1>
         <xsl:variable name="countRecords" select="count(/*[local-name()='InputRoot']/*[local-name()='LoopingRecord']/*[local-name()='Field5'])" />
         <xsl:if test="$countRecords&lt;$totalCount + 1">
            <xsl:call-template name="BuildTheRest">
               <xsl:with-param name="counter"><xsl:value-of select="$countRecords + 1" /></xsl:with-param>
               <xsl:with-param name="totalCount"><xsl:value-of select="$totalCount" /></xsl:with-param>
<xsl:template name="BuildTheRest">
   <xsl:param name="counter" />
   <xsl:param name="totalCount" />
      <xsl:if test="$counter&lt;$totalCount">
         <xsl:call-template name="BuildTheRest">
            <xsl:with-param name="newCounter"><xsl:value-of select="$counter + 1" /></xsl:with-param>

Basically, I start by copying existing nodes to the destination. As I have explained in this post you need to use XSLT for the whole thing. You can't copy the existing nodes using the mapper and create the new nodes using XSLT. After the existing nodes have been copied, I create the new empty nodes, by recursively calling a template that will create a single element for me.

You can find my entire project here: (23.33 KB)

I hope this will come in handy for someone in the future.


Sunday, October 7, 2007 12:09:42 AM (Romance Daylight Time, UTC+02:00)  #    Comments [4]  | 
Tuesday, September 18, 2007


An old collegue of mine asked me if there wasn't anyhow he could overwrite the folder of a send port using the FILE adapter, so that he could decide the entire path of a file that was to be written from within his orchestration.

After all, you can overwrite many things, like SMTP server to be used in the send port or the username and password for an FTP connection. So why not the file folder?

Well, I have investigated it a little bit, and I can't get around to making BizTalk do it.

I tried:

  1. Set the folder on the send port blank, and use the %SourceFileName% as filename and set its value (The FILE.ReceivedFileName property of the message) inside the orchestration. This isn't valid, since the folder path can not be empty.
  2. Set the folder to c:\ and set the FILE.ReceivedFileName property to be <directory> + "\\" + <filename>. This didn't work either. When writing the file, BizTalk strips all folder names from the FILE.ReceivedFileName value and just wrote the file with filename in c:\

Off course, you can use a dynamic port to do it, but this customer wanted to avoid seeing all those subscriptions in the subscription viewer.

So I don't see a way around it. And basically, when you know it works like this, it makes sense that the administrator who has decided what folder files go into also gets to decide that you can not overwrite this. Oh well, that's life.

Hope this helps someone at some point...


Tuesday, September 18, 2007 10:29:23 PM (Romance Daylight Time, UTC+02:00)  #    Comments [0]  | 
Sunday, September 16, 2007

Today, I discovered, that google groups can tell me how many posts I have made to newsgroups.

I switched profile at some point in my newsgroup career, so there are two profiles to watch:

This one (my first) and this one (my current).

Quite a lot of posts, actually - no wonder I get tired every now and then :-)


Sunday, September 16, 2007 11:26:30 PM (Romance Daylight Time, UTC+02:00)  #    Comments [0]  | 

Well, I suppose we have all been there – in order to get the business process running, a specific element from a schema needs to be promoted in order to route on it, correlate on it, and so on.


Unfortunately, elements that can occur more than once can not be promoted. This, off course, makes perfectly sense, since the property can only hold one value, and how would BizTalk know which one of the many occurring elements to take the value from at runtime? So we agree with the limitation, but hope for a nice solution. :-)


If you try to promote a reoccurring element, you get this error when adding it to the list of promoted properties:

“This node can occur potentially multiple times in the instance document. Only nodes which are guaranteed to be unique can be promoted.”


Right. Now, some people have found the editor for the XPath describing the element that one wants to promote. If you have promoted some element, you can click on it like this:

Then you can click on the dot at the right of the line, and get into the editor like this:


Now, wouldn’t it be lovely, if you could just change this expression to include for instance an index on the reoccurring element? In my example from this screenshot, the “ReoccuringRecord” record can occur multiple times. So it would be nice, if I could just change the XPath to be like this:


/*[local-name()='ExampleRoot' and namespace-uri()='http://PromotingReoccuringElement.ExampleSchema']/*[local-name()='ReoccuringRecord' and namespace-uri()=''][1]/*[local-name()=’ElementWhereNumber1IsPromoted’ and namespace-uri()='']


By setting the “[1]” into the XPath, I state that I will be needing the first occurrence of the ReoccuringRecord and therefore, this XPath expression will always give me exactly one node. Unfortunately, the engine can not see this, so the error will be the same, only difference being that this error doesn’t occur until compile time:


Node "ElementWhereNumber1IsPromoted" - The promoted property field or one of its parents has Max Occurs greater than 1. Only nodes that are guaranteed to be unique can be promoted as property fields.




So how do we get this working? If I really need to promote a value that occurs in an element that might occur multiple times, I see four options:


  1. Map to a schema on receive port
  2. Custom pipeline component
  3. Orchestration to do it and then publish to MessageBox
  4. Call pipeline from orchestration

I will go these options in more detail here:


Option 1: Map to a schema on receive port.

When a map is executed on a receive port, some extra magic functionality is performed by BizTalk. After the map has been executed, the message is sent through some code that promotes properties that are specified inside the destination schema. If you execute a map inside an orchestration, this doesn’t happen.


So you can create a schema that has an extra field, in which you place the value that needs to be promoted. This element must not be able to occur multiple times. Promote this new field, and after the map on the receive port has been executed, you have your value promoted.


Option 2: Custom Pipeline Component.

It isn’t that difficult to create a custom pipeline component, that can promote a field for you. Your Execute method might look just like this:


public Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessage Execute(IPipelineContext pContext, Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessage pInMsg)


    pInMsg.Context.Promote("MyProp", "http://ReoccuringElement.PropertySchema", "MyValue");

    return pInMsg;



Of course, you will probably want to load the body stream of the IBaseMessage somehow, in order to find the value inside the body to promote and then replace "MyValue" with the value form within the XML.


Just use the pipeline component inside a custom receive pipeline, and you are all set.


Option 3: Orchestration to do it and then publish to MessageBox

Create a intermediate orchestration, that gets the input message. Then, it should create a new message of the same type in a message assignment shape like this:

NewMessage = InputMessage;

NewMessage(*) = InputMessage(*);

NewMessage(MyNewProperty) = xpath(InputMessage, xpathexpression);


Then, use a direct bound port to publish the message to the MessageBox. In order for the new property to follow the message, you need to initialize a correlation set on the send shape that is based on this new property.


Let other orchestrations and send ports subscribe to this message and let then do their work.


Option 4: Call pipeline from orchestration

The last option is to call a receive pipeline from within your orchestration. This requires a new schema, that has a field for the value to be promoted, just as in option 1. Inside your orchestration, map the input message to this new schema, and call a receive pipeline with this new message as a parameter. Remember to promote the field in this new schema. There is an article on MSDN about calling a pipeline from within an orchestration, which can be found at


Upsides and downsides

In order to choose which way to go in a specific solution, several things need to be considered.


Basically, I'd go for option 1 almost anytime. This is because it is best practices to map anything incoming into a canonical schema anyway. So instead of promoting values inside all your partners schemas - schemas they might change, you should promote from within your own canonical schema.


Reasons not to choose option 1 include: The canonical schema also has a reoccurring element, so it hasn't provided extra functionality with regards to getting this specific value promoted. Or perhaps, we aren't using canonical schemas, because there was no time for this when the project was started.


If we can't go for number 1, I'd go for number 3. Number 2 requires programming of a pipeline component, which can be a bottleneck, unless done correct. Also, the pipeline component is a whole new component to maintain, document and test. Number 4 requires a new schema and therefore also a map to be built. If I am ready to do this, I'd go for number 1 instead.


If I don't like number 3, for unknown reasons, I'd go for option 2 - the custom pipeline component. Allthough it is custom code, and must be done right, and testet and everything... I still feel that creating a new schema and map in order to call the pipeline in option 4 is overkill, since I'd go for option number 1 instead, which would also require the new schema and map.

I hope this explains some details about this issue, and that it helps someone in the future.


Sunday, September 16, 2007 11:22:51 PM (Romance Daylight Time, UTC+02:00)  #    Comments [0]  | 
Monday, August 27, 2007

Well well - a week ago, I finally decided it was time to start running again. In my earlier days, I was quite the runner, but the last 10 years or so, I have really been lazy :-S

Anyway, I ran 4,82 kilometers last tuesday, and 4,82 kilometers last thursday. Things went faily well, so yesterday it was time to run just a little bit faster.

BUT, after 4 kilometers or so, I teared a muscle :-(

So now I am not running... I am not even walking like a man :-(

I hope to be able to run again in a couple of weeks :-S

eliasen, who isn't running anymore.

Monday, August 27, 2007 11:02:09 AM (Romance Daylight Time, UTC+02:00)  #    Comments [0]  | 
Thursday, August 23, 2007


The other day, I suddenly found myself in a situation, where I needed to use the "Find message" functionality and HAT to find a message, and I needed to filter on a promoted property.

My problems started appearing, when there were no promoted properties to select in the Message properties filter view. I had chosen my schema, but still, the dropdowns for promoted properties were empty.

So I checked that tracking of both message bodies and promoted properties were enabled in the receive port. Yes, they were... so I started wondering what might be the cause of this. And then I though: Oh yeah, you need to enable tracking of these individually in HAT. But in HAT I couldn't find anywhere to enable this. That stunned me for a couple of minutes. Turns out, that was in BizTalk 2004 :-S

Whoops :-)

And the I remembered that I needed to do two things in order to get the tracking of promoted properties to work:

The first is to enable the tracking in the receive port:

And the second thing is to enable tracking of each specific promoted property - and now I remembered it isn't in HAT anymore, it is in BizTalk Server Administration for each schema. So open BizTalk Server Administration. Go to the application that has the schema, for which you need to track promoted properties. Go to the schemas collection of this application, double click on the appropriate schema, go to the tracking pane, and here you must select the properties to track.

I googled this a lot, but had great difficulty finding any information... that's the reason for this post.

I hope others will find it useful in the future.

Comments are welcome


Thursday, August 23, 2007 9:46:55 PM (Romance Daylight Time, UTC+02:00)  #    Comments [4]  | 
Friday, July 20, 2007


A couple of weeks ago, I switched from using web10 to using needhost as my web hotel provider. The primary reason for this was, that the mail service at web10 was incredibly instable. Half of the time, I couldn't connect with my pop3 server, and then suddenly, my mailbox was frozen somehow, so no new mail arrived for me for 6-7 days. That did it, and I switched to needhost.

I am very happy being at needhost - and everything seems to work well right now.

So hopefully, the blog will now be up and running for a looooong time :-)


Friday, July 20, 2007 9:30:38 AM (Romance Daylight Time, UTC+02:00)  #    Comments [0]  | 
Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Recently, I decided it was time for me to start looking for a new job. Luckily, I found a new one, and as of August 1'st, I am no longer employed at WM-data. I have been at WM-data since June 23'rd 2003 - just after I got my masters degree in computer science. I have been very happy with the job, but lately, I started wondering if another job might be even better.

I found this job at thy:data, where I have been hired as a solution architect for their integration projects. I will still be using BizTalk Server and I will still be the same me - just at another company.

Also, as a little side effect, I have decided to start a very small freelance company with just me in it. the company will be called and the homepage with more information will be available soon, I hope.


Tuesday, June 19, 2007 8:16:52 PM (Romance Daylight Time, UTC+02:00)  #    Comments [4]  | 
Monday, April 9, 2007


I have just written a blog post about using the SQL Adapter Wizard and during my tests for this post, I found the cause of an error that I saw someone in the newsgroups ask about. So I will just post the answer here.

I got these errors when compiling my project, in which I have used the SQL Adapter Wizard twice to create a schema for me:

Error 1 illegal name-hiding: 'Orchestration_1' hides 'SQLAdapter.Orchestration_1' on line 101 C:\Projects\BTS 2006\BlogEntries\SQLAdapter\BizTalk Orchestration_1.odx 102 23 

Error 2 symbol 'Orchestration_1' is already defined; the first definition is in file C:\Projects\BTS 2006\BlogEntries\SQLAdapter\BizTalk Orchestration.odx on line 101 C:\Projects\BTS 2006\BlogEntries\SQLAdapter\BizTalk Orchestration_1.odx 102 23

It turns out, that when you use the SQL Adapter Wizard to automatically create schemas for you, then an orchestration is also created for you. Yes, I knew that, you say? Well, so did I :-) What I didn't know was that the Wizard is clever enough to give the two orchestrations different filenames, but stupid enough to give them both the .NET type name "Orchestration_1". So when compiling the project, you have two orchestrations with the same fully qualified typename, which off course will fail.

See this screenshot:

As you can see at the lower right vorner of the picture, the "BizTalk Orchestration_1.odx" has "Orchestration_1" as its typename. Well, "BizTalk Orchestration.odx" has the same.

"So I just change one of them, no problem", you say? Well, there is another problem... If you look at the port types and multi-part message types in each orchestration, they are also given the same names. So changing the typename of one of the orchestrations removes the compilation error, but it will just give you the next set of errors, as more things are given the same name, and therefor more illegal name-hiding is taking place. Se the post here about what you can do to rename things.

I hope this helps someone.


Monday, April 9, 2007 11:40:56 PM (Romance Daylight Time, UTC+02:00)  #    Comments [1]  | 

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